Seven proposals for disaster risk reduction in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: case of Venezuela

Next Thursday, March 24, 2022, the forum entitled Seven proposals for disaster reduction in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: the case of Venezuela will be held, within the framework of the Sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66), in online format.

The Parallel Event is an initiative of the Con Ellas platform (Prepara Familia, Unión Afirmativa, Cepaz, Funcamama, Acción Solidaria and Uniandes) that works for girls, adolescents and women in Venezuela with the aim of making visible the differentiated impact they experience in the face of Complex Humanitarian Emergency (EHC) and to be able to strengthen its humanitarian programs that serve and benefit this group. With the support of international organizations that monitor the situation of vulnerable groups in the country.

These are women with HIV, women from community bases in impoverished areas, women with cancer, women in situations of human mobility, lesbian, bisexual and trans women, as well as women caregivers and hospitalized girls, whose characteristics leaves them in situations of extreme vulnerability.

These organizations will present a report on the current situation of these groups of women that includes the results of a community diagnosis carried out in 2021 on 4,489 people and the presentation of Seven proposals aimed at solving their needs.

This panel seeks to present a current overview of the EHC and human rights in Venezuela, the differentiated affectation experienced by women and how civil society organizations have faced the situation of social and economic deterioration to alleviate its consequences. This information will be accompanied by the results of a community diagnosis carried out in 2021 with the support of more than 20 organizations on the ground.

In addition, seven proposals will be presented for disaster risk reduction in EHC with a gender approach, which derive from the results of the survey and the analysis carried out by the organizations of the ConEllas platform.


  • This is a virtual event that will take place within the framework of CSW 66.
  • In order to participate in this event, you must register for the CSW 66 NGO Virtual Forum. You can register here.
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