Gender, Displacement, and Violence: 70 Years of the Refugee Convention

At the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Refugee Convention, gender justice beyond borders remains like a goal to be achieved. Experiences of women, girl, LGBTQIA+ and gender diverse migrants – especially in the context of violence – continue to be sidelined in international protection frameworks.

The objectives of the event are to assess progress made in providing gendered protection frameworks and to charter a way forward that is responsive to violence-induced displacement and migration.

The event will result in the establishment of working groups and the publication of a Guidance Note for stakeholders.

The event is built on collective action in the fight for gender justice beyond borders. Partners:

Center for Migration, Gender, and Justice
The Kota Alliance
Centro de Justicia y Paz (Cepaz)
Venezuelans and Immigrants Aid (VIA)
Venezolanas Globales
Amal Alliance, Inc.
Forcibly Displaced People Network
Women’s Refugee Commission

Event structure

March 16th, 2021 / 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)

The event is organized as an interactive workshop. Opening remarks will be delivered by Maria Corina Muskus. Expert in Gender and Human Rights, Founder of Venezolanas Globales.

The event consists of four working groups. The working groups will be co-facilitated by the Center for Migration, Gender, and Justice, and organizations from across the world:

Working Group 1: Children. Amal Alliance. Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

Working Group 2: Sexuality and Gender Identity. Forcibly Displaced People Network. Immigration Equality.

Working Group 3: Gender-Based Violence. Centro de Justicia y Paz. Venezuelans and Immigrants Aid.

Working Group 4: Health. Africa Foundation for Community Development – Uganda. Kota Alliance.

The guiding question  of the working groups is:

Who is left behind in the current international protection system – especially in the Refugee Convention?

Closing remarks will be delivered by Stephanie Johansse Associate Director for Advocacy and UN Representative Women’s Refugee Commission.

Event organization

This event is an official parallel event of the 65th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and is facilitated through the NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum.

To access the event, registration as a NGO CSW65 Forum Advocate is required.

The registration is free and allows participants to create a profile through which they can then join our event. Registration here.

The event will be held in English.