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Post-electoral and Human Rights Crisis 2024 in Venezuela

“Post-electoral and Human Rights Crisis 2024 in Venezuela” is a joint documentation effort, by different NGOs in that country, which due to the intense situation of repression within the country is disclosed under the generic name of “Derechos Humanos de Venezuela en Movimiento”.

The report includes patterns of human rights violations that occurred before, during and after the election day of July 28th, 2024, with data from more than 25 associative initiatives in the country. The report concludes that the actions of the authorities ratify that in Venezuela the crime of persecution for political reasons, a crime against humanity included in the Rome Statute, continues to be committed; That the coordinated actions of the different institutions of public power, aimed at promoting generalized fear as a mechanism of control and coercion, must be qualified as “State Terrorism”; That the serious erosion of democratic institutionality has repealed, by way of facts, 21. 7% of the articles of the Magna Carta, linked to fundamental rights, for which reason a regime of exception has been established in the country by de facto means. Finally, even if the will of the people had been recognized by the current authorities, the continuous barriers erected in the electoral process, in a generalized and systematic manner, hindering the exercise of the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and association, would also have prevented the electoral process from being qualified as “free” and “fair”.

“Post-electoral and Human Rights Crisis 2024 in Venezuela” is subtitled ‘The Black Report of the Dictatorship 2024’, in allusion to a similar document released in 1952 to denounce the excesses of the military regime of Marcos Pérez Jiménez. “This report is a continuation of those yearnings for democracy and dignity,” the authors stated.

See the report “Post-electoral and human rights crisis 2024 in Venezuela”
