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¡Hola, Venezuela! Has llegado a la CPI ¿Podemos ponerte en espera?

 Para Cepaz por el Dr. Mark Kersten (Traducido por Simón Gómez Guaimara) Mark Kersten se une al blog de CEPAZ para presentar su punto de vista en relación con el examen preliminar en la situación de Venezuela.  Mark Kersten  es canadiense, funge como Director Adjunto de Wayamo Foundation e investigador de The Munk School of […]

Hi Venezuela, You’ve Reached the ICC. Can We Put You on Hold?

For Cepaz by Dr. Mark Kersten In September 2018, six states – Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru – jointly referred the situation in Venezuela to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Their decision to ask the ICC to investigate alleged crimes against humanity committed by the regime of Nicolás Maduro was unprecedented. Never before […]